Thursday, May 28, 2009


Noah's Dilemma

Archaeologists with the group Creationists in Labcoats (CIL) said they have discovered caveman drawings in the remote town of Altoona, Kansas that confirm the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs some 6,000 years ago. What's more, they said the drawings prove that dinosaurs marched two-by-two, along with all the other animals, onto Noah's Ark.

"This discovery shatters more than a century's worth of so called scientific evidence," said expedition leader, Samuel Featherstone, who is a professor of paleoreligiology at CIL. "Dinosaurs - or 'Creation Dragons,' as they will henceforth be known - did not predate humans by some 200 million years. Rather, they walked with Adam and Eve and may have even had a hand in Jesus' crucifixion."

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