Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Survey Says...

People in the U.S. and the U.K. fear the end of days will come on the heels of a nuclear war. Brits feared this more — perhaps because their nation has already lived through some pretty horrific bombings. Both nations also fear climate change, though interestingly people in the U.S. fear it more. This seems to fly in the face of the stereotype that U.S. people are the least concerned about climate change in the world.

But here's where the big difference was: 16% of U.S. citizens polled feared that the world would end due to the Christian Judgement Day. Only 3% of U.K. people believed this.

Also, the more conservative you are in the U.K., the more likely you are to believe the world will end in your lifetime. The ultra-right wing U.K. Independence Party, or UKIP, has attracted a lot of doomsday types. According to the survey, "31% of UKIP voters think there will be an apocalyptic disaster in their lifetime compared to 21% of Conservatives."

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