We're Marrying Science
President Obama cuts "Abstinence Only" sex education funding, increases the sex education funding for programs that work.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Me So Holy
You Can't Play Jesus on iPhone
Apple has rejected an iPhone app that would enable users to fashion their mugs into portraits resembling Jesus Christ.
The app, called Me So Holy, involves using the iPhone’s camera to snap a mug shot of someone, which can then be scaled and cropped to replace Jesus’ face. Apple rejected the app, saying it “contains objectionable material,” according to Me So Holy developer Benjamin Kahle.
Apple has rejected an iPhone app that would enable users to fashion their mugs into portraits resembling Jesus Christ.
The app, called Me So Holy, involves using the iPhone’s camera to snap a mug shot of someone, which can then be scaled and cropped to replace Jesus’ face. Apple rejected the app, saying it “contains objectionable material,” according to Me So Holy developer Benjamin Kahle.
Friday, May 29, 2009
A Man of the 21st Century
Jesus in Jeans
Father David Buckley unveiled the seven-foot high bronze statue at the Our Lady Immaculate and St Philip Neri Catholic church in Uckfield.
Christ is wearing jeans and a shirt billowing in the wind while his hair and beard are neatly and fashionably trimmed.
Father Buckley said: "You are always looking for new ways to enrich people in the experience of Christianity and it is good people can be open-minded to appreciate it.
"We felt this design summed up the spirit and activity of Christ perfectly and I think it speaks for itself.
"His clothing is being blown vigorously to add the sense of him being alive and his strength in defying earthly cares.
"The clothing is loosely contemporary in order to connect Christ to his people now as much as to his past.
"I hope this sculpture will inspire and communicate in very human terms, reaching out and being relevant to both the congregation and local community."
Christ is wearing jeans and a shirt billowing in the wind while his hair and beard are neatly and fashionably trimmed.
Father Buckley said: "You are always looking for new ways to enrich people in the experience of Christianity and it is good people can be open-minded to appreciate it.
"We felt this design summed up the spirit and activity of Christ perfectly and I think it speaks for itself.
"His clothing is being blown vigorously to add the sense of him being alive and his strength in defying earthly cares.
"The clothing is loosely contemporary in order to connect Christ to his people now as much as to his past.
"I hope this sculpture will inspire and communicate in very human terms, reaching out and being relevant to both the congregation and local community."
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Noah's Dilemma
Archaeologists with the group Creationists in Labcoats (CIL) said they have discovered caveman drawings in the remote town of Altoona, Kansas that confirm the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs some 6,000 years ago. What's more, they said the drawings prove that dinosaurs marched two-by-two, along with all the other animals, onto Noah's Ark.
"This discovery shatters more than a century's worth of so called scientific evidence," said expedition leader, Samuel Featherstone, who is a professor of paleoreligiology at CIL. "Dinosaurs - or 'Creation Dragons,' as they will henceforth be known - did not predate humans by some 200 million years. Rather, they walked with Adam and Eve and may have even had a hand in Jesus' crucifixion."
Archaeologists with the group Creationists in Labcoats (CIL) said they have discovered caveman drawings in the remote town of Altoona, Kansas that confirm the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs some 6,000 years ago. What's more, they said the drawings prove that dinosaurs marched two-by-two, along with all the other animals, onto Noah's Ark.
"This discovery shatters more than a century's worth of so called scientific evidence," said expedition leader, Samuel Featherstone, who is a professor of paleoreligiology at CIL. "Dinosaurs - or 'Creation Dragons,' as they will henceforth be known - did not predate humans by some 200 million years. Rather, they walked with Adam and Eve and may have even had a hand in Jesus' crucifixion."
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
How Much is a Shekel Worth?
The Value of a Human Being
Set the value of a male between the ages of twenty and sixty at fifty shekels of silver, according to the sanctuary shekel; 4 for a female, set her value at thirty shekels; 5 for a person between the ages of five and twenty, set the value of a male at twenty shekels and of a female at ten shekels; 6 for a person between one month and five years, set the value of a male at five shekels of silver and that of a female at three shekels of silver; 7 for a person sixty years old or more, set the value of a male at fifteen shekels and of a female at ten shekels. - Leviticus 27:3-7

Download the Modern Day Slavery Study and Action Guide
*This guide in PDF format is 21 pages. To download
individual sections, go to social justice.
Download the Modern Day Slavery Study and Action Guide
*This guide in PDF format is 21 pages. To download
individual sections, go to social justice.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Sunshine State
If you want a corpse on your license plate, the Florida Senate is looking out for you.
Because why worry about a budget impasse or property insurance when you can spend more than an hour talking about Jesus, the devil and license plates?
If you want a corpse on your license plate, the Florida Senate is looking out for you.
Because why worry about a budget impasse or property insurance when you can spend more than an hour talking about Jesus, the devil and license plates?
Friday, May 22, 2009
Several Theories Designed to Explain
How to Teach Kids About God and Genocide
There are in fact several theories designed to explain how a “loving” god could countenance genocide. Here are a handful of the most popular.
There are in fact several theories designed to explain how a “loving” god could countenance genocide. Here are a handful of the most popular.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Raising Some Difficulties
How do you teach God's genocide to children?
Take for example Deuteronomy 20 where Yahweh outlines the guidelines by which Israel is to go to war with her neighbors. God's directions begin with the cities of the more distant nations. When Israel marches on these cities they should first receive an offer of peace (v. 10) followed by enforced slavery to the Israelites (v. 11).
Given that we instruct our children in the horrors of slavery, this text immediately raises some difficulties. Why does God subject people to slavery?
But then it gets worse, for if the city refuses to surrender to the Israelites, all the men are to be slaughtered (v. 13), a practice condemned by the Third Geneva Convention and universally renounced by civilized nations today. Needless to say, the taking of women, children, and livestock as plunder (v. 14) is also universally rejected. How can we explain God's directions here to our children?
Take for example Deuteronomy 20 where Yahweh outlines the guidelines by which Israel is to go to war with her neighbors. God's directions begin with the cities of the more distant nations. When Israel marches on these cities they should first receive an offer of peace (v. 10) followed by enforced slavery to the Israelites (v. 11).
Given that we instruct our children in the horrors of slavery, this text immediately raises some difficulties. Why does God subject people to slavery?
But then it gets worse, for if the city refuses to surrender to the Israelites, all the men are to be slaughtered (v. 13), a practice condemned by the Third Geneva Convention and universally renounced by civilized nations today. Needless to say, the taking of women, children, and livestock as plunder (v. 14) is also universally rejected. How can we explain God's directions here to our children?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Opening Soon
Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum
The mission of the Foundation Advancing Creation Truth and its related ministries is to glorify God as Creator and Sustainer, emphasize man's accountability to Him, and challenge the hearer/visitor to think through the humanistic concept of evolution.
Currently this is achieved through the Fossil Digs at Glendive where fossil excavation of dinosaur bones is done in the context of the flood of Noah’s day.
The foundation is also constructing the Glendive Dinosaur & Fossil Museum which will present the Truth of God’s Word using the latest in dinosaur and fossil exhibits, paleontological, geological, archeological, and scientific discoveries.
The mission of the Foundation Advancing Creation Truth and its related ministries is to glorify God as Creator and Sustainer, emphasize man's accountability to Him, and challenge the hearer/visitor to think through the humanistic concept of evolution.
Currently this is achieved through the Fossil Digs at Glendive where fossil excavation of dinosaur bones is done in the context of the flood of Noah’s day.
The foundation is also constructing the Glendive Dinosaur & Fossil Museum which will present the Truth of God’s Word using the latest in dinosaur and fossil exhibits, paleontological, geological, archeological, and scientific discoveries.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Because Science is Fun!
2010 Science Fair
If you’re a student in grades 7-12 and you love science, here are the top 10 reasons why you should start planning your science project now.
If you’re a student in grades 7-12 and you love science, here are the top 10 reasons why you should start planning your science project now.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Tell a Parent Right Away
Spiritual Safety Tip
What should you do if you find an Atheist?
If you find an Atheist in your neighborhood,
You may be moved to try and witness to
these poor lost souls yourself, however
Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or they may even try to trick you into neglecting God's Word.
Very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches. Let the adults handle them.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Luchadore Miracle
A chef at the Las Palmas restaurant, Hilda Maciel, discovered the image on a griddle she was cleaning. The next day, the Rev. Gerardo Fernandez of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Calexico confirmed the image was a true likeness of the Virgin, said Brenda Martinez, general manager at the restaurant.
Since then, the griddle with the image has been retired from service in the kitchen and put on display in a storage room. Martinez said her family is planning to renovate the room and will continue allowing people to view the griddle for free.
“It was shocking. We didn’t know what to think,” she said of the discovery.
Father Gerardo could not be reached for comment on the appearance of the Virgin’s image on the griddle Wednesday evening.
So far more than 100 people have dropped by to view the griddle, Martinez said, some traveling from San Diego for the privilege. Several Mexican wrestlers who were booked to appear at the swap meet as a special promotion crowded into the small room to admire the image.

Since then, the griddle with the image has been retired from service in the kitchen and put on display in a storage room. Martinez said her family is planning to renovate the room and will continue allowing people to view the griddle for free.
“It was shocking. We didn’t know what to think,” she said of the discovery.
Father Gerardo could not be reached for comment on the appearance of the Virgin’s image on the griddle Wednesday evening.
So far more than 100 people have dropped by to view the griddle, Martinez said, some traveling from San Diego for the privilege. Several Mexican wrestlers who were booked to appear at the swap meet as a special promotion crowded into the small room to admire the image.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Action Hero
Aquarian Cinema
Hollywood is to fill in the Bible's "missing years" with a story about Jesus as a wandering mystic who travelled across India, living in Buddhist monasteries and speaking out against the iniquities of the country's caste system.
Film producers have delved deep into revisionist scholarship to piece together what they say was Jesus's life between the ages of 13 and 30, a period untouched by the recognised gospels.
The result is the Aquarian Gospel, a $20m movie, which portrays Jesus as a holy man and teacher inspired by a myriad of eastern religions in India. The Aquarian Gospel takes its name from a century-old book that examined Christianity's eastern roots and is in its 53rd reprint.
The film's producers say the movie will be shot using actors and computer animation like 300, the retelling of the Battle of Thermopylae, and will follow the travels of Yeshua, believed to be the name for Jesus in Aramaic, from the Middle East to India. Casting for suitable Bollywood and Hollywood actors has begun.
Hollywood is to fill in the Bible's "missing years" with a story about Jesus as a wandering mystic who travelled across India, living in Buddhist monasteries and speaking out against the iniquities of the country's caste system.
Film producers have delved deep into revisionist scholarship to piece together what they say was Jesus's life between the ages of 13 and 30, a period untouched by the recognised gospels.
The result is the Aquarian Gospel, a $20m movie, which portrays Jesus as a holy man and teacher inspired by a myriad of eastern religions in India. The Aquarian Gospel takes its name from a century-old book that examined Christianity's eastern roots and is in its 53rd reprint.
The film's producers say the movie will be shot using actors and computer animation like 300, the retelling of the Battle of Thermopylae, and will follow the travels of Yeshua, believed to be the name for Jesus in Aramaic, from the Middle East to India. Casting for suitable Bollywood and Hollywood actors has begun.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Writing in a new book, Sheik Hilali argues that the Bible and the Koran make similar demands of a woman's modesty.
Sheik Hilali, who remains the head of Australia's largest mosque, in the southwestern Sydney suburb of Lakemba, says the purpose of the book is to show the commonalities of Islam with the Jewish and Christian faiths when it comes to women's modesty and clothing.
In the soon-to-be published The Legitimacy of the Veil for Women of the Scripture - Evidence of the Veil in the Bible, the cleric points to references in the Old and New Testaments to women wearing a veil.
"Through this I hope to raise awareness and understanding and eliminate apprehensions and misunderstandings about the veil," he writes.
The Anglican Bishop of South Sydney, Robert Forsyth, yesterday challenged Sheik Hilali's comments about the veil being "mandated" in the Bible, saying they were misleading.
"The New Testament does call upon people to dress modestly," he said. "But there is no understanding that women are commanded to wear the veil. But it is mandated that you should dress appropriately for your social context."
Writing in a new book, Sheik Hilali argues that the Bible and the Koran make similar demands of a woman's modesty.
Sheik Hilali, who remains the head of Australia's largest mosque, in the southwestern Sydney suburb of Lakemba, says the purpose of the book is to show the commonalities of Islam with the Jewish and Christian faiths when it comes to women's modesty and clothing.
In the soon-to-be published The Legitimacy of the Veil for Women of the Scripture - Evidence of the Veil in the Bible, the cleric points to references in the Old and New Testaments to women wearing a veil.
"Through this I hope to raise awareness and understanding and eliminate apprehensions and misunderstandings about the veil," he writes.
The Anglican Bishop of South Sydney, Robert Forsyth, yesterday challenged Sheik Hilali's comments about the veil being "mandated" in the Bible, saying they were misleading.
"The New Testament does call upon people to dress modestly," he said. "But there is no understanding that women are commanded to wear the veil. But it is mandated that you should dress appropriately for your social context."
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mark 1 Ford Contina User's Guide
Why Didn't Abstinence Work For The Virgin Mary?
James Gardner proposes that religion is the curious assumption that a tolerance for people who hide behind its arrogant certainties somehow makes the world a better place, when in reality it has the opposite effect. His opinion, however, is unimportant. It is what can be proven to be true which is of relevance. This book simply sets out to explore the similarities between the two. Drawing on his lifelong interest in religion and using debate extracts from his blog as well as anecdotal and scientific evidence, James Gardner has compiled this book in the hope that it persuades a certain kind of Christian that critical thinking and criticism aren't the work of the devil—unlike what they might have been told. He's tried to cover as many aspects of religion in short, readable sections as possible. Certain areas are covered more than others; attacks on science and logic, religion in politics, corruption, hypocrisy, proven liars and superstitious bigotry.
James Gardner proposes that religion is the curious assumption that a tolerance for people who hide behind its arrogant certainties somehow makes the world a better place, when in reality it has the opposite effect. His opinion, however, is unimportant. It is what can be proven to be true which is of relevance. This book simply sets out to explore the similarities between the two. Drawing on his lifelong interest in religion and using debate extracts from his blog as well as anecdotal and scientific evidence, James Gardner has compiled this book in the hope that it persuades a certain kind of Christian that critical thinking and criticism aren't the work of the devil—unlike what they might have been told. He's tried to cover as many aspects of religion in short, readable sections as possible. Certain areas are covered more than others; attacks on science and logic, religion in politics, corruption, hypocrisy, proven liars and superstitious bigotry.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Friday, May 08, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Reverse Miracle
Toast Image
The sounds of crowds marveling over the painting of St Mary; Pilgrims have been flocking to the Suffolk town of Piddington today after a local woman claimed to have seen a vision of a piece of toast on a picture of the Virgin Mary at her local church. Betty Tilley, 62, was praying silently at the Sacred Heart Catholic church when she looked up to see a ray of light slanting in through the window, illuminating a reproduction painting of the Virgin Mary and as she moved closer she was amazed by what she saw.
"There's just no question in my mind that it was a miracle. Right there, on the face of the Holy Mary, Mother of God, I could see a nice piece of toasted sliced white bread. The amazing thing is that it was just like the one I had had for breakfast, so clearly this must be some kind of message from God."
"There's just no question in my mind that it was a miracle. Right there, on the face of the Holy Mary, Mother of God, I could see a nice piece of toasted sliced white bread. The amazing thing is that it was just like the one I had had for breakfast, so clearly this must be some kind of message from God."
Monday, May 04, 2009
The Top 10 Creationist Discoveries of All Time.
10. T. rex ate coconuts
9. The Earth is only six thousand years old
8. Stem Cells are evil
7. NASCAR is the official sport of the spiritually enlightened
6. Guns were created by God to kill deer
5. Liberals are evil
4. Civil Liberties are for sissies
3. President Bush can look directly into our souls.
2. Iraq had ties to Al-Qaeda, was enriching Uranium, and all that jazz.
1. Evolution is a myth.
10. T. rex ate coconuts
9. The Earth is only six thousand years old
8. Stem Cells are evil
7. NASCAR is the official sport of the spiritually enlightened
6. Guns were created by God to kill deer
5. Liberals are evil
4. Civil Liberties are for sissies
3. President Bush can look directly into our souls.
2. Iraq had ties to Al-Qaeda, was enriching Uranium, and all that jazz.
1. Evolution is a myth.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Peek a Boo
They Came From Miles Around

Tears welled up in Angela Sampaio’s eyes as she beheld the Lund’s Corner Jesus through her car windshield Wednesday, reports today’s Standard-Times.
"I am really, really, really moved by this," she said. And she wanted reassurance that the photographs of this Jesus are on the Internet. "This will be seen all over the world," she said.
Tears welled up in Angela Sampaio’s eyes as she beheld the Lund’s Corner Jesus through her car windshield Wednesday, reports today’s Standard-Times.
"I am really, really, really moved by this," she said. And she wanted reassurance that the photographs of this Jesus are on the Internet. "This will be seen all over the world," she said.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
A Bible is Born
For God so loved the world, that he made His Son a zombie, and whoever is bitten by the Son shall also become zombie and be undead everlasting. - John 3:16
The Bible may be the foundation document of Western Civilization, but it hasn't been revised in almost two millennia.
Frankly, we're astonished that anyone can still make sense of it.
Even the majesty and poetry of the King James version sounds archaic to modern ears. Modern translations, on the other hand, just sound lame.
What's missing? Zombies.
For God so loved the world, that he made His Son a zombie, and whoever is bitten by the Son shall also become zombie and be undead everlasting. - John 3:16
The Bible may be the foundation document of Western Civilization, but it hasn't been revised in almost two millennia.
Frankly, we're astonished that anyone can still make sense of it.
Even the majesty and poetry of the King James version sounds archaic to modern ears. Modern translations, on the other hand, just sound lame.
What's missing? Zombies.
Friday, May 01, 2009
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